About Us.
Silva Family.
We love to see and to be a part of the transformation that the gospel can bring to the lives and communities where it is present.
Natasha has a degree in Media, specialist in Missiology and has lots of training in Child at Vulnerability and Risk. Jonatas holds degrees in Business Administration and Theology, a specialist in Missiology, and another major in Humanitarian Aid. João is 8 years old and loves to play soccer, basketball, card games and to read the bible. Gabriel is 5 years old and he also likes basketball, football, to play Uno and to go to school. We are a missionary family focused on cross-cultural ministry, working since 2010 with missions worldwide.
What We Do.
Our Vision and Mission.
We want to work together for the transformation and development of individuals and their communities, impacting their lives, future and society. We want to see communities and cultures transformed by the power of the integral gospel of Jesus Christ, so that people have the opportunity to live free, dignified, and with a purpose.
Our Strategies.
To promote the transformation that only the Gospel can provide and to see communities and individuals growing with purpose, we believe in the following intervention strategies:
We want to work with the local community to help those in need, in their different demands, together with the local Church. Serving those in need is Jesus’s commandment and doing this means obeying his will..
Through community development strategies we will work together with the local community to establish projects that will help their transformation, considering the human being as a whole person – in its physical, spiritual, social and cultural dimensions.
Through training and partnership with pastors and local Church leaders, we will work for the growth of the Church – both quantitative and qualitative growth. We want to walk side by side with the Church of Christ so they are strengthened and would be able to impact their community, city, nation and the whole world.
Why Belize?
Belize is a country located in Central America, on the Caribbean coast, and has less than 500,000 inhabitants. Despite its many natural beauties, Belize is a country with many social, economic and spiritual challenges.
• It has a high poverty rate, with 42% of its population below the poverty line;
• Belizean children and youth suffer for hope and a future. Six out of 10 children in Belize are severely lacking in some of these basic needs: nutrition, clean water, sanitation, adequate housing and access to education and information;
• A large percentage of children have developmental problems due to malnutrition;
• Churches are still very dependent and their leaders have few training opportunities.
To address these challenges, we will work in partnership with the mission organization Bold Hope working hand in hand with the local Church so that Belize is impacted by the transforming power of the Gospel. Aiming long-term, we want to inspire hope, connect and empower people so that their lives and communities can be transformed.
Let’s Talk?
If you want to know more about our projects, have more information on how to get involved or even to chat with us, fill in the form below and we’ll be happy to talk to you!